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$499.00 (Pre-Order)

Pixelwix hit detection IR is a software application that allows for easy integration into third party software
applications without the need for complicated API calls or software coding.
The intended use is for dry-fire infrared laser firearms simulation hit detection or any application that requires fast feedback of laser IR to mouse location on a projected flat or curved screen.

Single or multiple cameras can be used with sync
Various camera mounting orientations allowed.
Low latency
Screen mapping is by IR camera and AutoBlend which exports data for both Pixelwix IR and Pixelwarp warp and blend software.
Works with flat or curved projection screens or printed objects or walls and doors.
Use any shape physical object that you can match with the Gaming software object shape.

Required Products:

• Pixelwarp Ultimate warp and blend software.
• Optitrack camera from 120fps to 360fps all resolutions to 2048 x 2048 pixels Just purchase the band pass filter type to match you IR wavelength
• A laser point device or R laser firearm or IR laser inserts from a third party
Company to match your cameras filter
• A projection screen, either flat or curved, rear or front type.
• A Projector image or static image for detection of IR light.
• Any software application that uses a left or right mouse click for activation or can read UDP streams.

ir-tracking-software ir-tracking-software